Building Connection with Clients: Tips for Digital Marketing Agencies

Building Connection with Clients: Tips for Digital Marketing Agencies - The White Label Agency

The real money to be made for digital marketing agencies lies in the ongoing stream of small tasks that clients generate when they feel well catered for. For agencies, the key is to establish the trust and regular communication with clients that are needed to encourage them to regularly seek their services for every need, big or small.

As an outsourcer of WordPress services, we come into close contact with hundreds of digital agencies each year giving us a unique perspective on what makes agencies successful in building close connections with their clients. I’d like to draw from this firsthand experience to share with you our tips for how your agency can foster a close and mutually profitable relationship with your clients.

Regular Maintenance Reports - Digital Marketing Agencies

Regular Maintenance Reports

When clients purchase maintenance services from your agency, effective communication becomes paramount due to the extended timespan involved. Providing monthly maintenance reports is crucial to showcase the quality and reliability of your services, ensuring client satisfaction. These reports offer a clear overview of the website’s performance, allowing clients to stay informed about its status. These reports should clearly outline:

  • Listing bugs and errors that occurred on your client’s website and their resolution.
  • Monitoring the websites that compete with your client’s site on keywords.
  • Weekly monitoring of the page speed of your client’s site, capturing core vitals.
  • Weekly Google rankings of your client’s site against your chosen SEO keywords.
  • Daily monitoring of website traffic, compared with the same month last year.
  • Tracking all updates performed on your client’s site, including core, theme and plugins.
  • Daily monitoring of web trust indicators to ensure the credibility of your client’s site.
  • Notification of broken links and 404 errors that were detected and their resolution
  • Comprehensive daily scanning for malware, viruses and other vulnerabilities.

The Vital Role of Newsletters

Sharing updates is crucial for clients to make informed decisions, whether it’s about design or functionality. The newsletter should be brief, focusing on key WordPress updates that improve blog functionality and user experience. It should inform clients about key WordPress updates, new plugins, themes, or features, that boost client engagement for digital marketing agencies. Keeping clients informed about platform options helps them stay competitive in the market.

The Vital Role of Newsletters - Digital Marketing Agencies

The primary purpose of the newsletter is to share the latest security patches and tools. WordPress frequently releases updates to address potential vulnerabilities. Keep your clients’ websites secure by staying informed about and implementing these updates to be prepared against potential threats.

Maintain a regular delivery schedule to build anticipation and engagement. A consistent schedule, be it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, builds anticipation for updates.


WordPress webdesign

We offer WordPress website design as a support service if your agency is in need of additional design capacity.

Have Transparency Throughout The Project

Clients are your agency’s strategic partners. The foundation of strong communication is built on transparency, even when addressing potential challenges. Encouraging input throughout the project cultivates a sense of mutual involvement and shared responsibility.

From a technical standpoint, the sales department has a significant role in managing the client-agency relationship. They are responsible for planning and determining the necessary components for the WordPress site before starting the website development process. They engage in detailed discussions with customers to understand specific requirements, including the need for plugins—whether they are paid or free. The sales team efficiently communicates this information to the partners, ensuring a seamless and well-coordinated process. This includes specifying the timing for a plugin or any other integration and aligning all aspects to deliver a tailored WordPress solution.

Furthermore, it is important to set clear expectations in the client-agency relationship, especially regarding the time needed for the design and development phases. Avoid overpromising on timelines, as quality results require sufficient time. Recognize that clients may have unrealistic expectations and be realistic in estimating the completion time. Implementing a structured approach, starting with a design brief, provides transparency to clients and assures them of the agency’s understanding of the project.

Have a Client-Centric Approach

Customizing your services to meet each client’s unique needs is crucial. Understanding their business goals, challenges, and preferences demonstrates your agency’s commitment to delivering exceptional value. Clients appreciate knowing that their specific requirements are acknowledged and addressed with precision.

Understanding the complete picture of a project is crucial, particularly the client’s desired features. Having this information upfront allows the agency to accurately assess the project’s size, leading to more precise quotes and a smoother process. This upfront insight ensures better alignment with the client’s needs, making the whole experience more straightforward and satisfying for everyone involved.

Gather Your Client Input

Digital marketing agencies can effectively consider their clients’ perspectives by seeking feedback. This practice enables them to understand the client’s thoughts on the project’s direction, their opinions about specific changes or progress, and whether there are any concerns related to employees or overall processes.

Maintaining openness with your client base is a critical aspect of building a successful business in today’s market. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize and uphold this reputation in all aspects of your business operations.


WordPress maintenance plans

We offer an easy way for agencies to guarantee ongoing support to their clients with our WordPress maintenance plans.

White Label Agency: Trusted Partner in WordPress Website Maintenance

The importance of communication in web development is often underestimated. Every business, regardless of its nature, relies on effective communication between the client and the agency. Clear and structured communication is the key to fostering a successful partnership in web development.

At White Label Agency, we take pride in the trust our end clients place in us for their website maintenance. Our commitment to security is evident through hosting all sites with WP Engine, using their robust firewall to direct and secure all traffic, ensuring that the sites we host remain protected.

In addition to employing top-notch tools and hosting providers, we understand the importance of delivering value for your investment, and we know your clients feel the same. That’s why we provide a detailed maintenance report for you to share with your clients, ensuring transparency about the value they receive.

Our dedication to client satisfaction extends beyond onboarding. We conduct monthly calls to discuss website performance, speed, and SEO rankings, ensuring that our clients remain delighted with our services long after the initial onboarding phase. We believe in transparency, security, and ongoing collaboration to guarantee success for partnered digital marketing agencies.

Want to alleviate your workload? Contact our sales team today to receive detailed information about the additional benefits we offer for our end clients. Let us handle the heavy load so you can focus on what matters most to your business.