Design WordPress site: Strategies for visual excellence

Design WordPress site: Strategies for visual excellence - The White Label Agency

In the age of diverse screen sizes, website design is tricky business. It’s not easy to deliver pixel-perfect websites that look right on every device. This is something we know well at White Label Agency. As the world’s leading outsourcer of WordPress services for digital marketing agencies, we’ve completed over 10,000 development projects. For many of these, we carry out design work in addition to development. And it’s often design that presents some of the biggest obstacles. Getting design right can require creativity and precision but, above all, it requires systematic process and keeping an eye out for potential pitfalls.

I’d like to share with you some key aspects of design that we constantly look out for at WLA. We’ll also look into the three avenues agencies have for design WordPress site — hiring internal designers, outsourcing and freelancing.

The trifecta of visual excellence

In the world of web design, achieving visual excellence is essential. Today’s users engage with websites across a variety of devices, from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. To deliver an exceptional user experience, responsive design takes center stage.

Key Elements of Responsive Design

Responsive Design: Elevating User Experience Responsive design ensures your website adapts seamlessly to the screen size of the accessing device, optimizing both aesthetics and functionality.

Adaptability: Techniques like fluid grid systems and CSS media queries tailor your website’s layout and design to fit various device sizes.

Enhanced User Engagement: Responsive design reduces bounce rates, boosts user engagement, and elevates satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Key elements - Design WordPress site guidelines

The significance of image optimization

The Significance of Image Optimization Optimizing images for your WordPress site is a mission-critical strategy. It contributes to faster website loading times and enhances the overall user experience.
Selecting the Ideal Screen Resolution Choosing the right screen resolution profoundly influences your site’s look and functionality.

Considerations for screen resolution

1920 x 1080: This resolution strikes a balance between screen real estate and image quality, ensuring versatility, crisp visuals, and an abundance of resources.
1440 x 900: Slightly smaller than 1920 x 1080, this resolution offers adequate screen real estate and cost efficiency.
Incorporating responsive design, image optimization, and selecting an appropriate screen resolution collectively form the blueprint for WordPress visual excellence. By embracing these strategies, you’ll captivate, retain, and convert satisfied users.

Achieving pixel perfect design

To design WordPress site that aligns with your design vision is a challenging but essential task. To achieve pixel-perfect web development, you need to navigate the diverse world of screen resolutions and responsive design effectively.
Five Steps to Pixel Perfection:
1) Choose the right design tool: Opt for design tools that support symbols or components for design consistency.
2) Select screen resolutions: Consider the range of devices your audience uses when determining screen resolutions.
3) Discuss responsive behavior: Clearly communicate how elements should adapt to different screen sizes.
4) Follow a design system: Implement a design system to maintain consistency during development.
5) Test with precision: Use tools like the PerfectPixel plugin to ensure your website aligns with your design vision down to the pixel.

Before diving into pixel-perfect web development, evaluate your designer’s attention to detail and whether they can deliver pixel-perfect designs. Utilize design tools and symbols/components for consistency, choose screen resolutions wisely, and discuss responsive behavior to ensure a flawless user experience.

The case for collaborating with an outsourcing WordPress company

The first challenge is the technical aspect of design, but it doesn’t end here. If you are aiming to grow your business, it is inevitable that you are faced with additional tasks that you are not sure your agency can handle. So you encounter another challenge and you need to make a critical decision: Should you rely on internal designers, hire freelancers, or consider partnering with a company that will design WordPress site for you? Each option has its merits and drawbacks.

Outsourcing website design - Design WordPress site guidelines

Hiring internal designers

Pros of hiring internal designers
Cost Efficiency: If your agency consistently manages multiple projects, internal designers can be cost-effective, provided you maintain a steady flow of work.
Direct Client Interaction: Internal designers can communicate directly with your clients, doubling as project managers.
Quick Problem Solving: Collaboration between internal designers and developers is streamlined, making it easier to address issues promptly.

Cons of hiring internal designers
Motivation and Quality Control: Maintaining consistent motivation and quality standards among internal designers can be challenging.
Efficiency and Workload Balance: Adapting to fluctuating project flows can be problematic, leading to either idle designers or overburdened ones.
Dependence on Talent: Relying heavily on a few talented designers can pose a business risk if they leave or face unexpected setbacks.

Hiring freelancers for web design

Pros of freelancers
Capacity Flexibility: Freelancers offer flexibility in scaling design work based on project volume.
Access to Diverse Talent: A wide pool of freelancers allows you to choose from a variety of skilled designers.

Cons of freelancers
Availability Challenges: Freelancers’ availability can be uncertain, potentially causing delays when a project comes in.
Communication Hurdles: Limited interaction between freelancers and other stakeholders can hinder effective communication.

Collaborating with an outsourced partner

Pros of outsourcers
Larger Capacity: Partnering with a web design company grants access to a larger pool of designers, ideal for managing multiple projects simultaneously.
Streamlined Coordination: Dealing with a single company for design and development eliminates the need to coordinate multiple suppliers.
Effective Collaboration: Designers and developers within the same company can seamlessly communicate to ensure design intent translates into successful development.
Designed for Development: Companies handling both design and development have a vested interest in creating designs that facilitate smooth development.
Cost-Effective: Outsourcing design work can often be more cost effective than hiring internal designers.

Cons of outsourcers
Limited Control: When you outsource your web design to an external company, you may have less direct control over the design process compared to having an in-house team. This could result in a disconnect between your vision and the final design.
Dependence on External Partners: Relying on an external design company means that your project’s success is partially dependent on its availability, efficiency, and capabilities. Delays or miscommunications on their end could impact your project timelines.

If you choose to outsource part of your daily tasks, the obvious decisive factor is the proven track record and experience. WLA’s sales Jack tells me about our expertise:

What sets us apart is our large and experienced team, which successfully completes approximately 3,000 websites each year, leaving behind a trail of satisfied customers. This level of expertise and knowledge is what enables us to deliver exceptional results. When clients choose to work with us, they are placing their trust in a team that has a proven track record.”

So if you decide to outsource, don’t hesitate to contact our sales team. At White Label Agency, we have delivered over 10,000 websites to over 600 agencies. We not only have an option to design WordPress site, but we also offer a range of related services, including website development, maintenance, and dedicated developer rental.