Guide to the Cost of a WordPress Website

Guide to the Cost of a WordPress Website - The White Label Agency

While many businesses would love premium website options, startups and small businesses often face budgetary constraints. Here’s why WordPress is a market leader in CMS: it offers both premium and affordable options to meet any type of client needs.

WordPress gives users an exceptional level of flexibility. You can choose completely free tools, or opt for paid plans that perfectly match your agency’s budget. This flexibility caters to a wide range of needs.

Now let’s explore the cost of a WordPress website with its essential features and optional features.

Website Essentials - Cost of WordPress Website

Cost of WordPress Website – Essentials

While WordPress offers free options for many elements, its essential features have their costs and they are crucial for functionality and security, so avoiding these costs can be risky.

Domain Name

A domain name is like the street address of your house. People don’t need to remember a long string of numbers (like an IP address) to find you. Instead, they can use your easy-to-remember domain name (like “”) to visit your website online.

According to WPbeginner, a domain name typically costs $14.99 per year. While some companies offer free domains, they are not as secure as the paid ones. For an affordable business website, your best bet is to get a domain name for free as a bundled offer with various web hosting companies such as Bluehost, Hostinger, and others.

Web Hosting

In addition to your domain name, you’ll need a web hosting service. This service stores your website’s files and makes them accessible to visitors online, similar to renting space on a physical server. There are three main web hosting options:

The first option is managed hosting, where you share server resources with other websites. This is the most affordable solution, but performance may be limited during peak traffic periods. According to Forbes, pricing generally ranges from $2.51 per month for entry-level services to $4.62 for a mid-tier option.

Virtual private server (VPS) for WordPress hosting offers a middle ground. Your client’s website shares a server with fewer websites, improving performance and security. Users can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 per month. With VPS, users still share server space with other websites. However, fewer websites are sharing the same space. This allows websites to manage higher volumes of traffic which increases the level of site security.

With dedicated hosting, your agency has an entire server dedicated to the website, providing the best performance, security, and control. When it comes to the cost of a WordPress website, dedicated hosting prices generally start around $80–$100 per month and go up to several hundred dollars. 

Dedicated servers offer superior performance, handling high-traffic volumes with minimal downtime. This is due to their increased bandwidth, storage, and RAM, making them ideal for large businesses with sensitive data requiring top-notch security. Dedicated servers are also more secure, making them imperative for larger businesses with sensitive data.


WordPress theme development

We offer custom WordPress theme development services to digital agencies. We work with most main builders and based on your brief.

WordPress Themes

Themes are the final part of the website’s essentials. WordPress is home to a wide variety of free themes, but you can also find free themes on third-party websites like Elegant Themes. Free themes are cost-effective with varied but limited design options. 

There are also premium themes available for your business. These themes do cost money, but they give you more advanced customization options, add more functionality, and some of them may include custom plugins. The cost of these themes varies widely —you may find a theme for $20, or you might find a theme for several hundred dollars. The prices vary greatly depending on the style, quality, and functionality. The payment system also varies. Some have a one-time fixed fee for the theme, while others will charge a yearly fee.

Optional Costs in the Development Process - Cost of WordPress Website

Optional Costs for the WordPress Website

Plugins: While plugins are technically optional,  they add practicality, functionality and interactivity, transforming your website from a bare-bones brochure into an engaging experience. For agencies building WordPress websites, plugin costs are still essential to consider.

The cost of a WordPress website varies depending on how many plugins you use and which ones you invest in. While WordPress offers a staggering number of free plugins (over 50,000), achieving top-tier functionality often requires premium options. These cost between $47 and $200 each, with yearly or one-time payment plans. The cost reflects factors such as complexity, development effort, and market demand. Keep in mind that equipping your website with several premium plugins can quickly add up to $500 or more annually. Popular plugin categories include SEO, booking, and marketing tools.

Design Customization: Custom design is for agencies and clients who prioritize exceptional quality and complete control over their websites. This premium service ensures you get exactly what you envision, from design aesthetics to functionality. Custom design pricing reflects this commitment to excellence. You can expect a base range of $1,000 to $10,000 for basic design work. Additional costs may apply for truly unique features, whether they be data integrations or complex functionalities. These costs can start at a few thousand dollars and potentially reach as high as $25,000+ for extensive development.

Maintenance & Security: For results-oriented agencies,  a website isn’t a one-time project. It requires continuous care and updating. Not to mention, plugin and theme providers regularly release updates to fix bugs, improve performance, and address potential security vulnerabilities. These updates need to be applied promptly to keep your website safe and running smoothly.

The cost of ongoing website maintenance and security typically falls between $100 and $300 per month. This range depends on the complexity of your website and the level of support you require.  Agencies often charge monthly fees, while freelancers may offer hourly rates. The size and complexity of your website, along with the chosen support model, will ultimately determine the specific cost.


Website as a service

For a fixed monthly fee, our website as a service plan provides your agency with a complete website solution for your clients.

Transparent Pricing for WordPress Websites

Now that we’ve explored the cost of a WordPress website involving different factors, let’s dive into some real-world examples with estimated budget ranges:

  • Standard Brochure Website (Starting at $2,000): Ideal for businesses needing a basic online presence with 5–15 pages showcasing services, products, and contact information. The price varies based on the expertise of the developer and the complexity of the design.  A simple pre-built theme with minimal pages keeps costs down, while custom designs and functionalities require a higher investment.
  • WooCommerce Website (Starting at $2,500): A larger website with e-commerce capabilities, perfect for online retailers. The final price depends on the number of products, payment gateways, and shipping options needed. These features require additional setup time, impacting the overall cost. Due to the complexity, a mid-level or senior developer is typically assigned to such projects.
  • Business Website (Starting at $500): This website focuses on showcasing a company’s services, portfolio, and contact information. It might include forms and interactive maps. The estimated cost reflects the potential need to customize a pre-built theme to match your brand. Additional features, like forms or interactive elements, will contribute to higher costs.
What’s Included in Website as a Service Package? - Cost of WordPress Website

White Label Agency: Invest in Your Website, Grow Your Business

With an accurate quote, businesses can make informed decisions about their website investment. At White Label Agency, we offer a Website as a Service solution for our clients. Our development process covers every step, ensuring a high-quality website that meets your specific needs. 

Save time and resources, and focus on what you do best – serving your clients. Contact our sales team today to learn more about our WaaS solution and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.