How to Collaborate Efficiently with WordPress Blog Designer

How to Collaborate Efficiently with WordPress Blog Designer - The White Label Agency

70 million WordPress blog posts hit the web each month. That’s a lot of competition. To be noticed, you need to provide high-quality and visually appealing content. Good website design boosts trust and credibility, where the key factors include design, transparency, comprehensive content, and strong web connections.

At White Label Agency, with more than 10 years in the business, we know that it takes more than just words to win. In this blog, we will explore how the WLA team efficiently collaborates with our dedicated WordPress blog designer and content writer team to create highly competitive and visually appealing blogs.

How We Do It - WordPress Blog Designer

How WLA Streamlines the Process

Creating high-quality blog content is a team effort. Sometimes you can provide clear goals, yet the final product still misses the mark. This is a common challenge for agencies – a communication gap between creative teams. We solve this problem at  White Label Agency and we will show you how we do it. 

Our focus is to work together on projects from start to finish. Our content writers play a key part in creating a great plan for the designer. They make sure the designer knows what the content is for and who it’s aimed at. This helps the designer create visuals that grab readers’ attention and reinforce the message.

Let’s begin with the designer’s role, and explore how clear communication between designers and content writers fuels successful blog creation. At first, the designer talks with clients to get their goals, then they work with content writers to generate ideas that match both the client’s goals and brand style. After the idea is approved, the designer starts creating visuals using tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. They team up with colleagues to make wireframes, graphics, buttons, and images. 

Then the designer generates mockups or wireframes to show their ideas  – that is when the content writer gives feedback to make sure the design sends the right message.

The Perfect Brief - WordPress Blog Designer

The Perfect Brief

There are several essential questions designers ask clients depending on the design project. But, generally, it is always good to know the client’s goal – what they want to achieve with specific designs. 

Obtaining brand guidelines is crucial to building consistent and visually appealing concepts. While working on a blog project, the designer understands the context of the blog itself, to help readers better visualize what is written in the text.

According to our designer Anano:

“Designing a blog is all about creating the right look for the right content. It is the method of visualizing information that  helps the reader understand and process information easier.” 

To achieve that, a WordPress blog designer needs a perfect brief from both the client and the content writer. It is crucial to make sure that the design meets the business goals. The ideal brief includes color preferences and general information about a tone of voice. The brief should contain the company’s brand preferences and guidelines (if they have one), like logo and font style.

When creating the perfect brief for designing a blog, there are two key things to consider. First, where the design goes, and second, how to make the content shine. Our content writers figure out the right spot for the design. Then, the designer looks closely at the content in that section to ensure the design complements it perfectly. It is also helpful to have a brief description from the writer if there are specific elements to include.

Blog writers often have specific ideas about design elements for their writing such as images or infographics. By including these details in the initial brief, the designer has all the necessary information to bring the writer’s vision to life. This collaborative approach promotes a shared understanding of the project goals and ensures the final product is visually stunning and perfectly complements the written content.

Overall, designers get as much information as possible from both the client and the content writer. The more they know, the more creative they can be! This approach will help to create designs that meet business objectives and create engaging and informative experiences for the blog visitors.


Content Writing Services

Bring your content strategy to life with our content writing services. Our dedicated writers work closely with you.

Tips from WLA’s Designers

At WLA, we asked a WordPress blog designer for their top tips on creating visually appealing blogs. Here’s what to think about:

Prioritize Readability: Making your blog easy to read is key. Pick clear, easy-to-read fonts and leave plenty of white space to avoid overwhelming your readers.

Visual Hierarchy: Creating a clear visual hierarchy is important. It means using headings, subheadings, and images to break up text and make it easier for readers to understand.

Consistent Branding: Keeping colors, fonts, and images consistent across blogs is important for strengthening your brand identity. It makes your blogs look better and helps people remember your brand. 

Beyond Aesthetics: Good blog design isn’t just about looks. Our designers focus on making layouts easy to use, whether on a phone or computer. They make sure everything looks good and is easy to find, so everyone can enjoy reading without any hassle.


WordPress webdesign

We offer WordPress website design as a support service if your agency is in need of additional design capacity.

WLA’s Design and Content Services

White Label Agency puts clear communication first by encouraging teamwork and paying attention to both how things look and how they work. This is how we design blogs that look great and stand out from the competition. Our team includes a top-notch blog designer and content writer – a combination that builds trust, grabs attention, and keeps your clients happy.

Through effective communication with the WordPress blog designer and the content writer, we bridge the gap between content creation and design execution. That ensures your or the client’s blog will achieve the perfect balance of informative content and captivating visuals, and lead to a more engaging and impactful experience for the audience. Contact the WLA team to elevate your client’s online presence.