Why your agency needs a robust WordPress care plans

Why your agency needs a robust WordPress care plans - The White Label Agency

If your agency develops websites, you recognize the significance of each project’s launch. Every website that you create showcases the hard work and skill of your team. Yet, the job is not done at launch. Websites need regular care to maintain their performance and security.

Many agencies focus solely on the development phase, often sidelining post-launch care. This can cause problems in the long run. If you are wondering whether your agency should offer WordPress maintenance, we are sharing our experience. Having delivered more than 3000 WordPress projects per year, at WLA we believe that a robust care plan is not just an extra service — it’s a key part of keeping clients happy and building relationships.

Details of a robust plan - WordPress care plans

Importance of website care plans

Learning that a client’s site has been compromised by a hacker is a stress for any agency. That is why staying always updated is important. This way you will avoid security risks and bugs for your clients’ websites.

Similar to WordPress core updates, themes can also have bugs and security vulnerabilities. Especially popular ones are more likely to be targeted by hackers. So agencies should monitor theme updates as diligently as the WordPress core.

Backing up sites regularly can prevent many crises. A monthly backup is advisable and always backup before updating either core, theme or plugin. This ensures that if something goes wrong, you have a revertable version.

Here you can check out our blog about the best plugin to backup WordPress websites.

Check the WP admin dashboard for updates and apply them as soon as they’re available. Similarly, plugins and themes require monthly checks to ensure they’re current and not posing risks.

More steps might be necessary for WordPress care plans. It depends on the size and complexity of the website. It also depends on the primary goals your client sets for their website.

From a business perspective, maintaining site security isn’t just about prevention—it’s about preserving your agency’s reputation. Every security lapse can lead to lost revenue.


Website as a service

For a fixed monthly fee, our website as a service plan provides your agency with a complete website solution for your clients.

The business advantages of offering WordPress care plans

For agencies offering WordPress services, revenue often comes in an unpredictable pattern: sometimes in bursts and sometimes in lulls. Yet, monthly expenses like payroll remain constant. This is where introducing recurring monthly website maintenance plans can be a game-changer for your cash flow.

Moreover, maintenance plans give you a consistent reason to engage with your clients. Regular interactions can give you additional business opportunities or potential upsells. By offering WordPress maintenance plans, you are solidifying a sustainable revenue model while pursuing deeper, profitable client relationships. Happy clients often become your best promoters, as referrals can significantly drive new business.

Having structured WordPress care plans simplifies project discussions. It helps make projects clearer, avoids the risk of unpaid support hours and streamlines the sales process.

These plans not only offer ongoing value to your clients’ post-website development but also increase the lifetime value of each customer. With a stable stream of revenue from maintenance plans, you can reduce the stress of constantly seeking new clients. This regularity provides a financial foundation to counterbalance the uncertainties of one-off projects.

Selling WordPress plans to clients - WordPress care plans

Selling WordPress care plans to clients

Once you grasp the business advantages of offering maintenance plans, the next natural step is pitching them to your clients. Here’s how:

  • Introduce Early: Bring up the care plan at the start of a website project. It can set your agency apart and build client trust.
  • Offer Peace of Mind: Clients want a functional WordPress site without technical headaches. Explain how your plan lets them focus on content while you handle the tech.
  • Show the Difference: List out tasks clients would handle on their own versus with your plan. Mention the time each task would take, so they see the value.
  • Highlight Security: Point out potential threats like malware and hacks. Emphasize how your plan increases site security.
  • Stress Better User Experience: A well-maintained site offers a smoother user experience. Mention that neglecting a site can lead to issues.
  • Promote Premium Support: Offer faster support and content updates in a higher-tier plan. Some clients prefer top-tier services and will opt for premium care.

Selling WordPress care plans is about showing their clear benefits, making them a valuable addition for every client.

Read our blog about the ways to offer maintenance plans to your customers.

How to handle maintenance: Outsource vs In-House

Agencies have a critical decision to make regarding maintenance tasks: should they outsource or handle them in-house? Both options have their distinct advantages and challenges.

Outsourcing offers a way to broaden services without increasing headcount. It can be more cost-effective, but the key is in selecting the right partners. Quality assurance is crucial; otherwise, there’s a risk of delivering misaligned services to clients.

On the contrary, in-house management ensures direct oversight of tasks. It requires recruiting skilled individuals and committing resources for their salaries, equipment, and workspace. While it offers more control, it comes with increased costs and investment.

When deciding, consider your agency’s objectives, budget, and the expectations of your clients. Balancing the immediate benefits of outsourcing with the direct control of in-house management will guide you to the best decision.

Partnering with the White Label Agency for maintenance services

Your digital marketing agency could be leaving money on the table by not offering maintenance services. Not only do they generate dependable monthly revenue, but they also demand minimal effort once set up. The key is to educate your clients on the value of these services. If you don’t have the internal capacity to offer WordPress care plans, you can hand it over to a maintenance company.

WLA also offers specialized maintenance plans tailored for agencies. Our team handles all tasks, ensuring client websites remain secure and updated. This reliable and affordable service lets you concentrate on your core projects.

If you are interested in partnering with us at WLA to expand your service offerings and grow your agency, don’t hesitate to contact our sales team.


WordPress maintenance plans

We offer an easy way for agencies to guarantee ongoing support to their clients with our WordPress maintenance plans.