WordPress vs Drupal: Making the Best CMS Decision for Your Clients’ Needs

WordPress vs Drupal: Making the Best CMS Decision for Your Clients’ Needs - The White Label Agency

The Content Management System (CMS) used to create a website sets the stage for its appearance and functionality. There are over 800+ platforms to choose from. Of these, Drupal and WordPress stand out as leading alternatives, for their advanced functionality and customization options. But to determine which of these is best for your agency – WordPress vs Drupal – it’s important to consider the specific characteristics of each.

At White Label Agency, we have a long history of website development, having partnered with over 600 agencies on over 10,000 projects. We’d like to help you examine the benefits of WordPress and Drupal, so you may decide for yourself which best suits the need of your agency.

WordPress: For simplicity in website creation - WordPress vs Drupal

WordPress: For simplicity in website creation

When talking about CMS, WordPress is the first option that springs to mind. It powers 43.3% of all websites on the internet. It offers over 58,000 plugins and 20,000 themes, along with a premium WordPress version with expert support and additional features.

An intuitive dashboard and easy navigation system are reasons WordPress stays at the top of the list. This allows anyone with or without coding knowledge to create a fully functioning website. For theme customization “Option Panel” replaces the coding process giving you all the necessary functionality.

Additionally, the WordPress community is large, which makes the problem-solving process easier for users. This community contributes to the development process of plugins, themes, etc.


WordPress migration

We’re a WordPress development agency working for digital agencies. We build custom coded websites, delivered on time and to your specs.

Drupal: Advanced customization and multilingual capabilities

Drupal is an open-source platform with a 35.33% market share in the web content-management market and 2.2% of all websites. It currently includes 40,000+ modules (same as plugins) and 2500 themes for modifying sites. So if you’re looking for an advanced customization option, Drupal can offer flexibility to create a high-tailored website.

A unique feature that makes Drupal stand out from other CMS platforms is its multilingual capabilities. Automated translation allows you to use more than 100 languages and reach global audiences.

The possibility to create complex web applications is one of the big pluses of Drupal. However, when discussing high-level websites, dedicated technical knowledge is a must.

Here are key similarities between WordPress vs Drupal:

  • Open-source platforms
  • 24/7 available support
  • Plugin/Module systems for the new features
Differences to consider for your CMS - WordPress vs Drupal

WordPress vs Drupal: Differences to count on for your CMS


When comparing WordPress vs Drupal in terms of usability, WordPress holds the advantage. Drag-and-drop builder and “add site” button make it highly accessible for beginners. The intuitive dashboard allows users to create and manage websites without coding skills and advanced technical expertise.

On the other hand, Drupal has a steep learning curve. When adding features to your website, technical knowledge is almost mandatory. PHP, Javascript, HTML and other programming languages are needed to create modules, enabling dynamic content. The platform even provides its template engine, Twig to get familiar with customization in Drupal.


Security matters. Both Drupal and WordPress platforms realize the importance of a well-secured website. Over time they created security patches for their vulnerabilities, such as automatic background updates, security modules, etc.

When discussing matters of security, it’s important to consider the market share for each platform. Drupal has the reputation of a more secure platform among communities, but it also has a much smaller market share in terms of usage. Since WordPress has a high number of users, it’s also more exposed to security threats. A larger market share increases its chance of becoming a target for hacking. Additionally, if the poorly coded tool is used through themes or plugins security threat increases.

Without plugin and theme updates websites on both Drupal and WordPress platforms are vulnerable to potential security breaches. Website owners must choose trusted sources.


Drupal comes equipped with sophisticated SEO capabilities, but leveraging these features effectively necessitates a foundational grasp of its modules, content structure, and user interface. To update content on Drupal, one needs to possess a certain level of technical expertise.

Optimizing SEO in WordPress remains simple. It offers various optimized plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. A vast library, including those with search engine optimization analysis and social media integration, improves overall SEO efforts.


WordPress website building

We support marketing agencies with WordPress website building services. Use our white label team to deliver professional websites.

Find your platform of choice with White Label Agency

The needs of your business will guide your decision in selecting between WordPress vs Drupal. If your end clients require specific functionality and customization, both custom WordPress and Drupal can be suitable options. However, take into consideration that the advanced customization capabilities of Drupal require the expertise of a dedicated developer. Therefore, for small agencies developing basic websites, WordPress is usually the best fit. Pre-made themes and plugins are accessible to users without extensive programming skills and experience. Additionally, WordPress as a free and open-source platform, offers a cost-effective solution for small agencies.

If WordPress is the desired option for your agency’s projects, contact us at White Label Agency. We’re the world leaders in WordPress outsourcing to digital agencies. We offer a broad range of WordPress services and we custom-build every project to your specifications. Discuss your next project with us to see how we can help you ensure a perfect fit for your client’s needs.