Why Agencies Should Regularly Back Up WordPress Websites for Clients

Why Agencies Should Regularly Back Up WordPress Websites for Clients - The White Label Agency

Imagine losing your website—hours of hard work, writing, image editing, and page design. Your agency can’t afford to lose it for even a day. That’s when backups step in to keep your data safe. At White Label Agency, we value online security. We back up WordPress websites to guarantee comprehensive protection. Backing up your website regularly is like having insurance. It keeps your data safe and gives you peace of mind. Security threats, like hackers and malware, can make your site vulnerable to data loss. Your top priority is to quickly restore your website without losing anything. WLA performs regular backups for hundreds of client’s websites in its maintenance package.


WordPress maintenance plans

We offer an easy way for agencies to guarantee ongoing support to their clients with our WordPress maintenance plans.

Enhancing Security Through Regular Backups

Regularly updating your WordPress core and plugins/themes, and installing only reliable components is essential. The question is, is it enough? Even if you’ve added some protection to your site, your data could still be at risk. There’s a chance that hackers might try to take your business information, or you can make a mistake in the code that can make your site crash.
Back up WordPress websites to recover your data quickly in the case of an unexpected failure. Here are a few recommendations for how often you should back up your site:

  • Daily Backups: For websites with frequent updates or user interactions, such as comments or orders, it’s advisable to perform daily backups. This ensures your data stays current and minimizes potential information loss in case of issues.
  • Weekly or Monthly Backups: If your site is less active and doesn’t undergo regular changes, consider creating backups on a weekly or monthly basis. This preserves the fundamental state of your site and its content.
  • Before and After Major Changes: Alongside routine backups, it’s wise to create extra backups when implementing significant changes to your site—whether in design, functionality, or configuration.

A reliable backup system means your clients don’t have to worry about losing data. According to the advice from our senior developer, Alexander: “Some sites sit unchanged for years, while others get daily updates. For the latter, go for daily backups. For the rest, weekly should do the job.

Enhancing Security Through Regular Backups-Back up WordPress websites

Backup Basics

Two parts of your site are needed for backup:

  • Database: Your WordPress database holds all your site’s text content, settings, plugins, and widgets. To back it up, export the data to an SQL text file (usually the file name extension is .sql) so that it can be imported back into MySQL if you need to restore your site.
  • Files: Besides the database, your WordPress site has various files to copy. These include the WordPress code, the wp-config.php file with essential settings, and files from your plugins and themes. They also include your wp-uploads folder, which contains any media files you’ve uploaded to your site via WordPress, such as images, videos, and PDFs.

Our Preferred Choice

Our choice for a WordPress plugin at White Label Agency is UpdraftPlus. It’s a well-known WordPress plugin for backup and restoration that allows you to quickly back up WordPress websites. Here are some advantages of UpdraftPlus:

  • User-friendly in installation and operation, this backup plugin offers scheduled and automated backups, making it beneficial even for those with basic knowledge of WordPress.
  • UpdraftPlus allows scheduled, automated backups for continuous website data protection without manual efforts.
  • The plugin is regularly updated to address security concerns and compatibility issues.
  • UpdraftPlus provides a robust set of features, including many in the free version. For those needing extra features, a cost-effective premium version is also available, making it a cost-effective solution for various website backup needs.
  • The plugin allows you to connect to different storage spaces to automatically send a copy of your backups there.
    Choosing a multifunctional plugin can meet all your backup WordPress websites needs, which is crucial for your business.

WordPress security services

Protect your clients’ sites against attacks and vulnerabilities.
Our maintenance plans for agencies come with the highest level of WordPress security.

Have Multiple Backup Copies

Maintaining an extra copy of your site is beneficial for the restoration process. Storing backups in various locations, both off-site and externally, reduces the chance of permanent data loss. In case your site experiences downtime, having multiple backup options provides flexibility and ensures data recovery. Having multiple copies of both components enables synchronized restoration, preventing data inconsistencies that may arise from using disparate backup versions.
It’s worth noting that Jetpack Backup and BlogVault plugins are also excellent choices, which we at White Label Agency recommend.

Our Preferred Choice- Back up WordPress websites

Prioritize WordPress Maintenance

Ensuring website security and choosing the right backup plugin to meet all your backup needs is vital for business. At White Label Agency, where we have partnered with over 600 digital agency partners, we understand this importance. That’s why our maintenance plans include not just backing up WordPress websites for clients, but also performing daily security scans. We make sure your clients’ websites are consistently protected against threats.

By entrusting the technical aspects to us, you can focus your energy on growing your business. Reach out to us today to ensure your clients’ websites are backed up and secure.